Welcome! To your twelfth day of Christmas. This is the last day, the last cocktail, the last honey; and we are ending with a little toast (toasted marshmallow) We hope these toasted marshmallow drumsticks garnishing this drink end these 12 cocktails in a sweet way.


on the twelfth day

of Christmas my true love gave to me…… Twelve Drummers Drumming.


marshmallow drumstick mule

1.5 oz Rum

1/2 c Water

1/4 c Sugar

1-2 tsp Ginger Honey

2 oz Soda Water

2 Lime Wedges (or to taste)

6 Marshmallows

The day before, roast 5 marshmallows until they are nicely toasted with a hard crust on the outside and melty on the inside. Put the toasted marshmallow into saucepan with water and sugar. Bring to a slow boil. Turn to simmer and keep at this level until marshmallows are completely melted. Stir frequently throughout the whole process. Let cool completely to room temperature. Add rum, marshmallow syrup, honey, and soda water to glass and stir together. Add ice and squeeze lime into the glass. Top with a roasted marshmallow on a stick. (Drumstick)